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  • Erin Sweed

Let's Get Started. YOU, Yeah, You!

So I woke up this morning at 5:48 am. I check my phone, usual suspect but there's something different about this morning. I feel excited, I feel energetic, I feel ecstatic about what today will unfold. More often we should simply allow ourselves to feel excited and free. We, well I know I do for sure, tend to get so caught up in whats right in front of us and forget what we are supposed to be doing. We are not made to be sad and depressed. Don't believe it. We were made to be great and we have all the resources to do so. We are not made to doubt ourselves and we dang sure were not made to be fearful.

So today people. Be great! Today we start the permanent positive wave. It won't be easy but each day we take it as it comes. Who says tomorrow is promised? But hey look, we got right now so... Let's Get Started!

I Invite you to a social media #LetsGetItStartedXXX Challenge!

Here's how to Get Started:

  • Take a photo of yourself doing something that you are extremely proud of yourself for accomplishing. This can be sitting at work, a photo you have, a tattoo... The point is to reflect on the happiness you bring to yourself by accomplishing something YOU wanted to do. Celebrate You for a moment.

  • Post the photo or photos on your social media page and tag #LetsGetItStartedXXX with no other caption.

  • Once you post your photo you are entered into a drawing to win a Celebrity Style photo shoot with Wardrobe, Hair, Makeup and Digital Images provided, An opportunity to co-host on UHN and much more.

Today we make the changes we need to live longer and wiser. Are you ready? Let's Get Started!

"There is in this world, no such force as the force of a person determined to rise." W. E. B. Du Bois

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