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Erin Sweed Portfolio
Erin Sweed HeadshotShot by Scott Hebert Makeup by Marc Harvey | Je'FrancineCreative Director: The Glamsultant & Je'Francine | VanityHype.comHair: Christopher Michael Photo by: Ethan James Published and Featured on |
PortfolioShot by Scott Hebert Styled by Yasmine Tiana Makeup by Marc Harvey | PortfolioPortfolio | HeadshotShot by Desmond 144 |
The Dark AngelShot by Touche Studios Wardrobe by Lauren Carmon of The Boutique Hair Salma Ekambi Makeup Bri Jackson | PortfolioShot by Chad Sanders Hair & Makeup by Erin Sweed | HeadshotShot by Scott Hebert Makeup by Marc Harvey |
The beginningShot by Shades Hair Salma Ekambi Makeup Hannah Ekambi | ATLShot by Michael Carson Hair, Makeup and Wardrobe by Deon Smith with DUS Clothing | Je'FrancineJe'Francine |
Melodrama BoutiqueMelodrama Boutique | The Dark Angel BWShot by Touche Harvey Wardrobe by Lauren Carmon with The Boutique Hair Salma Ekambi Makeup Bri Jackson | Melodrama BoutiqueMelodrama Boutique |
Melodrama BoutiqueMelodrama Boutique | VanityHype.comShot by Ethan James Hair by Christopher Michaels | Melodrama BoutiqueMelodrama Boutique |
Je'FrancineJe'Francine | Melodrama BoutiqueMelodrama Boutique | Laurie Perez PublicationLaurie Perez Publication |
Hair Fashion HoustonHair Fashion Houston Robert Powell Designs Shot by Xavier Burke Jr. | Good MorningShot by Desmond 144 |
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